But Marriage...

But marriage is not the destination

It's not the final bus stop

It's not the full stop

Why do we make all our plans around marriage?

(At least most do.)

"When I get married this, when I get married that..." is what takes up 90% of future aspirations.

I'm not married

I wish to get married

I'm not downplaying marriage

But I think we make it too much of the issue sometimes

Life involves so much more apart from marriage

Life entails a myriad of things beyond marriage

The marital decision is one of the most important you'll ever make but, does your life completely revolve around fantasies of marriage before marriage? 

I fantasize about being on the world's stage

(Oh! With my very supportive spouse there with me or cheering me from the bleachers)

I fantasize about the impact I'll make such that my name will be a household name in certain spheres

I fantasize about how I'll be an authority and display excellent thought leadership on pertinent issues in our world? (Can you narrow them down, Vie? You ask?)

I fantasize about...? Travelling the world! Seeing all those new places and tasting the weird food, experiencing the different seasons and weather variations and taking 'oh so cool' pictures.

Yes, I fantasize about cosying up (or is it cuddling?) With my significant other under a starry skyed night in our exquisite mansion at some classy location...

But, I don't let marriage take the central stage.

Maybe I'm being too harsh or trying to hard to be emotionally detached from what seems so far off (not unattainable...)

And maybe not...

I used to daydream about a rich family with twin kids, plush carperts, impeccable landscaping, fruit ochards... (I digress, yeah?) a kids parlor etc... Oh! It's still there in my head apparently; wanted to say I lost it at some point but I didn't after all, I just buried it and chose to not make marriage my life's one dream...

There are books to write and poduims to commandeer and I'm gon do that! (With or... a spouse)

I just came to say we make too big a deal of marriage (especially in singlehood); even if it's a big deal, there should be a balance to it.


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