“Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I chose you for a special work. I chose you to be a prophet to the nations.”
How beautiful to know that you're chosen!
Not just for a 'local champion' assignment but to the nations!
Well, I'm tempted to say "however you choose to see it" but I believe we've been specially chosen and called into a global ministry.
What ever you do should have a global impact on some scale
You're chosen!
You're chosen!
You're chosen to minister to nations!
That's not a mediocre call!
You're called to stand before kings and not mere men
You're called to speak to royalty and answer kingdoms
You're called for global and international exploits!
You are not a local champion!
Expand the scale of your thinking
Enlarge the realm of your thoughts
See yourself operating on a not-small-at-all pedestal!
You're called to mighty and glorious things!
Oh Nations!
Hear me!
I'm the daughter of Zion
Separated, chosen, called to minister to you and amongst you!
Oh Nations!
Hear me!
I'm Abba's Beloved! Designed to do exploits for Him on a global scale!
Oh Nations! You're opened up to me and you receive my value!
Oh Nations!
Hear me!
Hear me!
I come in the Name of the Lord!
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