Once upon a time, many years ago, when I was in 200level. School just resumed from Christmas break (Or was it?) and many students were yet to return; I’m a good student so I resumed early… Well, actually had to work on Arc. Lukman’s ‘My House As It Is’ design assignment, that’s why (Winks). So, school was scanty sha and I had reason to trek from Amina Hostel to Comm. Market to buy materials for my model and I was feeling bold enough to step out alone (I used to be shy of my shadow that time). That is how… from nowhere!... Hey! Lemme divert a bit: I was carrying this very colorful hairstyle then (My swag was coming up then and it started with the many colours on my hair, thanks to big sis!). Well, it was colourful and conspicuous, I haven’t carried so many colors in my hair since then! And the hairdresser did a good job with the skull cap (ladies can relate and funny, it’s a guy that made the hair!). Imagine Vie on a well-made, colorful skull cap… Okay, let’s take the attention away from me. I was walking to Comm. Market… Wait o, I was coming back, LOL!... That is how. As I was heading back to the hostel, one guy like that with ‘pangolo’ head came and blocked my path (Yeah, obviously, that’s where I was heading). That was between Chapel Gate and Nineties. He’d caught sight of me on my way to the market, tried getting my attention but… (When Vadoo is walking, she looks straight on to Jesus so she can hardly notice such things). Anyways, as the cliché goes, he liked what he saw! Phew! Wasn’t I blushing? (Rolling eyes) and he wasn’t letting me go, he was ready to take me for introduction to his parents already! (Ha!) This guy held my one hand in an iron grip! And started telling me his bio.
Yes, his name was/is…whatever… Victor. No, he wasn’t an Abusite (No wonder!), he was an NDA Masters student! Soldier boy! He didn’t drink, smoke or do girls (old story), he was in Samaru to work on his project and oh… He was lonely! (at this point there’s an assorted array of facial expressions running through my mind) Who sent me to Comm. Market alone this hot afternoon? I silently lamented. All the while, this guy’s grip on my hand didn’t loosen and my other hand was full of modelling papers plus we were in front of Nineties! Billboard advert! I felt like sinking into the ground but my immortal powers hadn’t developed to that level yet (Try me now…)
Yes, if I’d fallen down there, you could say I was so captivated, I swooned (If I hear!) I’ve always wanted to join the army… Marrying a soldier would be ‘Oh! So awesome’, right? Hehe… I just got an indirect proposal in broad daylight! Opportunity comes but once! (Runs away!) … Anyway, Soldier man expected Vie to start packing her bags! I was speechless, really? Such sweet words! I should be kissing your feet already! But, seriously, I was short of words for him and the guy was not releasing my hand o! It became tug of war! I’d pull forward, he’ll pull backwards… Guess what his condition for releasing my hand was?

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