Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever. I have told you this explicitly because even though you have seen me in action, you don’t really believe me. Every person the Father gives me eventually comes running to me. And once that person is with me, I hold on and don’t let go. I came down from heaven not to follow my own whim but to accomplish the will of the One who sent me.

John 6:35 - 38 MSG

There's an interesting background tale to this passage but let's just focus on the above verses today (we can come back for long gist later).😁

Some time back, I'd been restless. There was this feeling of lacking something, like there's this thing I need to lay a hold of and it kept eluding me. I felt a great discontent... yeah, that's the word: Discontent.

I don't know if you're in that place too. I believe there are people who can relate with the feeling I've described. It's not unusual. It shouldn't be a constant or permanent thing though.

Well, that was the feeling and I myself didn't know what I was looking for but thank God for the Holy Spirit! He reminds us of what the Word says! And somehow, He led me to the above verse. I've read that verse before. (I don't want to say countless times but certainly, many times) 

However, there's a way it hit me this time around. Like scales were being peeled off my eyes. Like my heart was the target, the Word the arrow and it was shot to hit right on the bullseye!

Sorry, I didn't come here to rant about the euphoria I felt on 'seeing' that scripture. I came to share the reassurance I got and to remind us, peradventure we've forgotten or our consciousness has become clouded like it happened to me, that:

Jesus is your great sufficiency.

When you align with Him: His Word and His will, you find contentment and complete satisfaction.

I don't have perfect words to convey this but I pray the Holy Spirit does it for you and opens your eyes to see that Jesus is wholly committed to you. He's committed to seeing that you have a full, complete and rich life!

But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow!

John 10:10 TPT 

In the opening text, He said, "And once that person is with me, I hold on and never let go." He's not letting you go anytime. He's sold out to you, dear friend. He gave His life! He died already. It's up to you now to believe and walk in the fullness of that knowledge.

He won't leave you out in the cold

The vacuum you feel, it's an illusion caused by a dearth of knowledge. The truth is that He fills your life.

Maybe you're saying, 'I know...' Now let it sink deep. Let the knowledge become one with you.

Are you wanting for ideas and strategies? That's a hunger and thirst He has taken care of. Acknowledge His truth and step into that reality.

Do you feel discontent? Empty? Unloved? Unwanted? Unfulfilled? As if life is meaningless? Aimless? Pointless? That's the devil's lie! You're full and content in Christ!

Let's emphasize this:

You're not far away from God, He's right here with you, in your heart, in your mouth. Snap out of the enemy's deception and run into Abba's arms. Cling to Him tightly and don't let go.

Hold fast unto His Word. Keep your gaze and your focus on it! That's your lifeline!

You have the Bread of Life, in you, indwelling you, filling you! Explore that reality daughter/son of the Most High and live every moment as divinely designed: Full, Content, Fulfilled!



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