
Showing posts from July, 2022


Dear Believer in Christ, hearing God should be your default lifestyle and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.  Isaiah 30:21 KJV  Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.  Isaiah 30:21 NLT  When Christ walked the earth it was evident He had a vibrant relationship with the Father. Say, you identify as a Christian i.e one who is Christ -like. That means you supposedly lay claim to having a relationship with God abi? And you don't hear Him? How? Believer, you're supposed to talk to Him about everything! Hear His opinion about everything! Follow His leading about everything! I said everything. It's what the Word says! "For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they're the sons of God..." The true children of God are those who let God’s Spirit lead them.  Romans 8:1...


It's about God's purpose, darling.  ------------------------   "CHILD, I brought you this far so you'll see the truth, have and live the best of it. It's not a delay. It's a glorious making. Tailor made Child, tailor made! It's My purpose finding TAILOR MADE expression in and through you." ----------------------- Every single inch of you is about Abba's purpose: career, profession, job, church work, the 'almighty' Relationship/marriage. Your friendships, your family, everything! Every fibre; every atom of your being, is about Kingdom Purpose! Abba and the Kingdom take priority. It's like a military assignment. Every thing else is secondary and should be geared towards that assignment. See those your desires? Some are selfish, submit them to the scrutiny of Kingdom Purpose. That's why you have to know this purpose well, be grounded in the clarity of it. Measure every step, every movement, every decision against the yardstick of Kingd...


Four Practical Ways to Manage Overwhelming Tasks. How do you manage overwhelming tasks? There are periods in your life when it seems you have so many things to do all at once. These could be as a result of circumstances beyond your control or your poor time management (we'll talk about this soon). You have a lot on your table and seem to be making no headway. Some are deadlines just round the corner yet you've got no feasible action plan. It seems you're gonna crash soon yeah? Hold on, I've got some tips for you. They've helped me greatly and I'm sure they'll help you too! SLEEP One major sign of being overwhelmed for me is a headache (and sometimes the beginnings of a fever or sickly feeling) I shutdown and sleep in to cure this. Drinking lots of water is a plus. You should try this! WRITING LISTS Writing out lists helps me to think and organise. I see this as the most proactive physical action I can take to strategize my next moves. Say I have 3 to 4 tasks...


 “ Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I chose you for a special work. I chose you to be a prophet to the nations. ” Jeremiah 1:5 ERV  How beautiful to know that you're chosen! Not just for a 'local champion' assignment but to the nations! Well, I'm tempted to say "however you choose to see it" but I believe we've been specially chosen and called into a global ministry. What ever you do should have a global impact on some scale You're chosen! You're chosen! You're chosen to minister to nations! That's not a mediocre call! You're called to stand before kings and not mere men You're called to speak to royalty and answer kingdoms You're called for global and international exploits! You are not a local champion! Expand the scale of your thinking Enlarge the realm of your thoughts See yourself operating on a not-small-at-all pedestal! You're called to mighty and glorious things! Oh Nations! ...