And yes, your guess was close, he asked for my number quite alright, no, not a kiss (eeeuwww), he implied a future that involved a ring and making babies too(Lols!) but his condition for letting go of my hand was indeed preposterous: I'll come hang out with him at his flat somewhere around Zango later in the evening, shey I can cook? I'll fix something quick and we'll just gist and play, nothing serious, nothing would happen... Ha! Is your mouth dropping open like mine did that time? (in my head) Of course I maintained a calm façade and with that smile that makes some 'fools' (yes fools), think I'm joking, I said 'No Sir, I can't do that', 'Why?', Soldier boy was asking why??? And truly, why would I say no? Values, Principles, Standards, KNOWLEDGE: I knew better! Apparently, he'd met many naive girls in his time and I painted the poster picture for naïve with my small frame, multicolored weave-on and modelling papers. He really wasn'...