What Do You Fear Most?

What do you fear most? I'm usually at a loss on how to answer this question and it has just dawned on me why. I fear that telling you I have fears will make you realize that I'm a failure at the art of being perfect for perfect people shouldn't have fears... I fear that it'll make you lose your high and lofty views of me and I'll lose your awe and adoration... will it be so? (This paragraph is to let you see that my fears are just like most others: ridiculous and unfounded) Well, I think the things I fear most are a combination of loss and failure. Three big fears: I feared losing/failing in school (not getting the highest grades, not meeting the high expectations), losing in life (not achieving those lofty goals and ambitions), losing the one(s) I loved most. And others: I fear going out to tell people about Jesus. The thought of starting up the conversation feels daunting. Practice should deal with this but it does makes me a bit ashamed that I fail on this one. ...