
Showing posts from March, 2017


Yesterday: Today I woke up without the courage The courage to go out and face the world But what has the world done? To deserve such treatment from me? While we ponder that, hear this: I lost the courage to go into the sun I lost the courage to see the faces I lost the courage to face them; The prying eyes that follow you Left and right, up and down As you go about your business. I lost the courage to be subject to their judgement; She is pretty, she is not She is thin, she is not She is tall, she is not She is intelligent, she is not She is nice, she is not She is perfect, she is not She is this, she is not... Oh! I lost it all! The courage to face the world's judgement. So here I am without it, Without the boldness to face the long stares and questioning looks, Without the boldness to stand in the open subject to their scrutiny, Laid bare; of my privacy by someone's inconsiderate perusal And of my dignity by their blatant gazes Yes, I've lost it,...


"Tap tap tap tap tap tap..." Urghhh! Who was it at the door the very moment I'd moved to the much anticipated level 3 of my Video Game???. The persistent tap continued, seemed I was the only one available to answer so I had to go and get rid of the nuisance. It was a young lady; she'd come to buy eggs! Of all things! Such a nuisance wasn't unusual though as my family's poultry was popular in our area. People of all shapes, colours and sizes trooped in from far and near (and just at the wrong moment sometimes!) to buy our farm fresh eggs of premium quality... Yeah...! The first thing that struck me about this face was, "Hmmm, pretty!" Now I know I don't have shabby taste... She had this aura of simple prettiness about her, the way her eyes reflected the day light and the almost perfect shape of her face, the straight nose and pouted lips... Yes, I could take my eyes off her but something kept drawing them back, perhaps to take a better glance, dri...


I love mangoes, I know I make a lot of noise about it sometimes but it can't be helped, I love them. I don't know when I consciously realized I had a special love for them, maybe a few years ago but looking back over the years, I've always had a thing for them. I remember a particular incident with a security guard in secondary school involving mangoes but that's a story for another day (the annoyance over that incidence still stays with me somehow). Thank God I grew up in this part of the country! There is an abundance of mangoes during the season and you can find some in unexpected places off season (getting a 'houzwa' mango in December will be something!). The amazing thing is the different varieties you find them in, there's this breed that grows in front of my house, its like a cross between 'hindi' and 'houzwa', that mango is aweeeesome! The taste is unique and something! I don't like hindi but I eat it cos it's mango, thanks...


The other day I was debating within myself whether I should go and buy a tin of evaporated milk since I felt like taking some then I recalled another version of it that was called Condensed Milk. I don't know if they  still sell it but it used to come in this cute little tin and was very sweet plus was it milk so I liked it. I can't remember how I got to take it for the first time or whether I really got to ever enjoy one to myself, (I don't think I ever did though) but I remember I got close to it once, real close! However, thanks to my big, all knowing, 'over sabi' sisters, they spoilt that chance. There was this aunty staying in our house, she was a youth corp member and somehow she and my sisters had become quite good friends while we were still living in the semidetached two-storey building somewhere along the road further down this street. She had probably just come to spend sometime with us cos I think she was done with her service year by then (or maybe not...